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The Westhouse Rousdon was a new company that had ambitious goals of opening a successful casino chain across the country. They had proven to be successful in various other outlets and their next venture was casinos. The Westhouse Rousdon decided to open one casino at first with the plan to open several more locations throughout town. The name of their casino would be the Spinit Casino and they would specialize in slot machine casino games. In addition, they would have an incredible array of arcade style games included within the casino. David, the general manager of Spinit Casino, was one of the founding members of the Westhouse Rousdon company. He was one of four men who were responsible for opening the company years ago and helping it grow from the ground up. David was the member of the staff who wanted to incorporate a casino the most and Spinit Casino was his project within the company. There was no one else who wanted the job of organizing the construction and management of the casino. David was happy to take it and Spinit Casino was left entirely under his control from a creative perspective.
The casino would include hundreds of slot machine games and customers would have an endless selection of games to choose from. David wanted the customers to get the highest variety as possible with Spinit Casino. He decided to incorporate an arcade of casino games which would operate much like a regular arcade.
Spinit Casino arcade
The 极光破解版无限试用 arcade would feature nothing but casino style games instead of traditional arcade games. There would be one section on the second floor of the three story building dedicated to developing the arcade. The entire first floor was dedicated to the hundreds of slot machines the casino would have available for customers. The third floor would have blackjack and poker tables for the customers who loved card games. Even though slot machines were the specialty of the Spinit Casino, David did not want to cast out those who prefer card games. He planned for there to be six poker tables and six blackjack tables. The layout for the card games was perfect and he was confident it would attract the best players in the area.
The next phase of developing the Spinit Casino was installing all the equipment inside the building. The blueprint was completed and David knew exactly where everything should be placed. It was a completely different process to see the casino physically come to life as opposed to seeing it on paper. The entire project was set to take place over a one month timeframe and it was a strict deadline to make sure everything was completed. The Westhouse Rousdon company had big plans after the opening of Spinit Casino. It was David’s job to make sure the casino was constructed, opened, and managed without any difficulties. He was under a lot of pressure from the other founding members of the company, but he relished the responsibility of making the Spinit Casino the best it could be.
After the grueling process of installing all the equipment inside the building, the Spinit Casino was finally ready to open. David was exhausted from overseeing the construction project for 10 plus hours per day during the week. He was excited the casino was finally ready to be opened and his co-founders at Westhouse Rousdon would get off his back about the casino being open. During the construction phase of the casino, he had hired a suitable staff to help get the casino off the ground. Many of the employees he hired had experience working in a casino before so he was confident he had a competent staff. The poker and blackjack dealers he hired showed great promise, and he was eager to witness their style of dealership.
The opening night of the Spinit Casino was scheduled for the Friday night after the construction was complete. The job was completed three days before opening night so David took the opportunity to review the entire layout to make sure everything had been completed like he had envisioned on paper. The construction had turned out better than he anticipated and he now waited for opening night to arrive. The staff shared his excitement and he thanked them all for their dedication to Spinit Casino. David informed the staff that if all went well with the original location, then they would be the first people contacted about openings in any other possible locations.
When the casino opened to the public, the other co-founders of Westhouse Rousdon came by to check it out for themselves. They were always critical of each other so David expected the worst, but hoped for the best in their evaluation. They all completed their own tour of Spinit Casino and they approached David after exploring the casino for over three hours. David was not sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, but he was ready for their analysis. Much to his surprise, the co-founders of the company were all thrilled at the job he had done getting the business off the ground. They ventured into every section of Spinit Casino and they had an amazing time. The quality and innovativeness were outstanding, and they praised David for a job well done.
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It took less time to construct and open the next two Spinit Casino locations than the first since David knew exactly what he was doing. He ordered a lot of similar equipment to the original location, but he wanted to make some slight variations. He thought it would be of bad taste to make the next two locations exact replicas of the first location. David thought each casino should have its own unique identity even though they would all fall under the Spinit Casino name. He was ready to open the next two locations in only two months and the co-founders of Westhouse Rousdon were shocked at how quickly he accomplished his task. They asked him if the staff had already been hired and he confirmed everyone was hired and ready to get to work. David told the co-founders of the company to go ahead and begin advertising for the new locations. They collectively decided to run advertising on local television networks so more people in town knew about the expansion of Spinit Casino. They ran the advertising for roughly one week and they had their fingers crossed it generated enough buzz for the two new locations.
The co-founders of Westhouse Rousdon decided to open both locations on the same night and they would attend each of them. Two of the co-founders attended one location and two of them attended the other location. David and one other co-founder would switch at some point during the evening so he could oversee both locations. He wanted to see for himself that everything went according to plan and there were no issues with the staff at either casino.
The opening night of the brand new Spinit Casinos went well and David was thoroughly satisfied with how they performed. The co-founders of Westhouse Rousdon shared in his excitement and they thought the casinos were a big success. All three Spinit Casino locations had outstanding profits during their first six months of operations and it was all thanks to David’s hard work. The co-founders of the company decided to throw him a surprise party and took him to a professional baseball game to see his favorite team play. It was a cause for celebration since Spinit Casinos had become the most well-known casinos in town. They had not even been open a full year yet, but they were already a household name within the casino community of their town. The founders of Westhouse Rousdon planned on discussing further expansion of the Spinit Casino franchise. They wanted to wait until the first three locations had been open for at least one year before they made any decisions to expand. They thought David deserved a much needed break before working extremely hard again to get more locations off the ground. He thanked them for their consideration and he confessed that he was exhausted from the job getting the first three Spinit Casinos opened. Once it was time to expand, he said he would be thrilled to get back to work to grow the Spinit Casino franchise.